Al Kathiri Holding Co. Announces Calling Candidature for Board Members Elections for Next Session

IntroductionAl Kathiri Holding Co. Announces the opening of candidacy for the Board of Directors for the next session starting from 13/03/2020 for a period of three calendar years ending on 12/03/2023 in accordance with the conditions, controls and requirements contained in the Companies Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment and Corporate Governance Regulations Issued by the Capital Market Authority and the policies, standards and procedures of membership in the Board of Directors of the company, and in accordance with the conditions, controls and statutory procedures in force in this regard, note that the members of the Board will be elected for its new session during the next General Assembly meeting, which will be announced at a time Later after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities.
Type of AssemblyNew Session
Assembly Start Date2020-03-13 Corresponding to 1441-07-18
Assembly End Date2023-03-12 Corresponding to 1444-08-20
Number of members4
Application Start Date2019-12-01 Corresponding to 1441-04-04
Application End Date2019-12-31 Corresponding to 1441-05-05
Applications Submission MethodThe nomination application and its attachments shall be sent to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in the following ways:1 – Email: info@alkathiriholding.com2 – Registered Mail: PO Box 33722 Riyadh 135233 – Handing over to the Secretariat of the Board of Directors at the Administration Building in Riyadh – Unit No. 19 , 31558 Prince Yazeed bin Abdullah bin Abdulrahman – Al – Malqa district – Riyadh 13523 – 6695, At the site shown here ( inquiries, please contact the Secretariat of the Board of Directors on the following numbers:Phone: 011 4167900 Ext. 104
Application RequirementsFirst: Nomination Conditions for Board Membership:1. Each shareholder shall be entitled to nominate himself or another person or more for the membership of the Board of Directors, within the limits of his ownership percentage in the capital.2. The candidate for membership of the Council shall be of professional competence who possesses the necessary experience, knowledge, skill and independence, to enable him to exercise his duties efficiently and competently, and shall have in particular (the ability to lead, competence, guidance ability, financial knowledge, health fitness. ).3. The candidate for membership of the Council shall not have been convicted of a crime against honor and honesty, and shall not be insolvent, bankrupt or become invalid for membership of the Council in accordance with any regulations or instructions in force in the Kingdom.4. The Board member shall not serve on the board of directors of more than five joint stock companies listed on the market at the same time.5 – The candidate for membership of the Board shall abide by the principles of honesty, honesty, loyalty, care and attention to the interests of the company and shareholders and submit it in his personal interest.Second: Nomination Procedures for Board Membership:1. The candidate must provide written notice to the company that he / she wishes to be nominated to the Board. (Attachment)2. The nominated members / nominated / representatives of a legal person shall complete and sign the Disclosure Form No. 3 issued by the Capital Market Authority (attached).3 – Candidate must fill in Form No. (1) attached with his CV, including information about his profession, the basic job he currently occupies, his qualifications and practical experience in Arabic. (Attachment)4 – The candidate must provide the company with all supporting documents such as (National Identity Card, family card, passport for non – Saudis nominated for membership of the Board and any other relevant documents required by the company to meet the statutory requirements).5. A candidate for membership of the Council shall disclose to the Council and the General Assembly any conflict of interest, in accordance with the procedures established by the Commission, including:A) the existence of a direct or indirect interest in the works and contracts made for the account of the company which wishes to run for the Board of Directors;B) Participating in work that would compete with the company or compete in one of the branches of the activity.6. A candidate who has previously served on the board of directors of a joint stock company shall attach a statement of the number and dates of the boards of directors of the companies he or she is a member of.7. A candidate who has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Company shall be accompanied by a notification from the Board of Directors of the Company on the last session of the Board of Directors, including the following information:A) Number of Council meetings held during each year of the session.B) The number of meetings attended by the member in person and the percentage of his attendance to the total meetings.C) the standing committees in which the member participated, the number of meetings held by each committee during each year of the session, the number of meetings attended, and the ratio of attendance to the total number of meetings.The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will take into account the diversity of scientific qualifications and practical experience of the candidate and will prioritize the nomination of persons with the appropriate skills that should be available in the Board Member.The voting in the General Assembly will be limited to those nominated themselves in accordance with the above-mentioned regulations and requirements.
Attached Documents